Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Welcome Splash

The Money is in the list. Build a list! How big is your list?
There’s a good reason why everyone constantly harps on about list-building. To this day it’s one of the best way to build a long-term, rock-solid business online that’s totally immune to the mood-swings of Google. However, what fans of list-building often fail to mention is the fact that building a large list takes time and requires significant traffic.

However, there is good news.
Even with relatively small amount of traffic, you can build a decent list of your opt-in rates are high enough. Unfortunately, most people just resort to putting a small opt-in form in their sidebar, under the fold, and hope that people see it. Frankly, this just won’t cut it….

A Splash Page!
Splash Page simply destroy pop-up with much higher conversion rates. But I felt they could do even better so I designed a new type of splash page. One that would ace like a squeeze page with a strong call-to-action to attract email opt-ins, but would only appear on your website when you wanted it to. As soon as a visitor arrives on your site, your customer splash page is shown, giving them the chance to opt-in to your list. This combines the attention-getting power of a pop-up with the insane conversions of a squeeze page. Plus, it’s all conveniently rolled into one, easy-to-use WordPress Plugin.

Just look at these real life states on some of our welcome Splash Pages.

Buy Multi Site License - $17



Welcome Splash allows you to quickly and easily create beautiful, totally custom splash pages that will entice your visitors to give their email with much better opt-in rates than any pop-up out there. You can add videos, testimonials, a catchy title, header image, select your colors, borders, fonts, link colors, you name it, all without leaving your WORDPRESS DASHBOARD. Choose your images, videos or testimonial styles and get going fast.

This is definitely not your average splash page….

You can even have Welcome Splash appear on any page of your site a visitor lands on, or even just the home page. However, it would get really annoying if a specific visitor kept seeing it every time they come to your site. For this reason we included a feature which lets you choose how often you want visitors to see it. It could appear to each visitor only once on their first visit, or just once every 5 days.

The choice is yours:

Welcome Splash is compatible with Aweber, Mail champ, Icontact, Constant Contact, Get Response, Campaign Monitor and all the rest.

What Would You Do If Welcome Splash Doubled The Size Of Your List?

Buy Multi Site License - $17

PS If you’re a blogger or have some niche sites and your opt-in form is in your sidebar, you are giving money away! Visitors are leaving your sites who would otherwise join your list and buy from you. They just need a big, obvious call to action to remind them… like Welcome Splash.

1. You will be re-directed from to PayPal Account ( a
    Secured Payment Gateway.
2. Our Payment Account in PayPal That You pay is "Rangamma Ananth Rao".
3. In case if you have any difficulty in downloading our product then please mail us at, one of our support team will assist you.

My Suggestion...Take Action NOW! Think Big!
Isn't It Time?